Various projects awaiting fruition, developed through commissions or independently.
Melancholy Artefacts (1418Now, Brighton Festival)
Midsummer Night Dreaming
Cinema Organ
Film Music
English National Opera – a piece using digital networks to link different English identities
The Lost Chord Film
Elephant And Castle (Telematic)
How Music Changed My Life
Le Pres au Clerc
Il Pomo D’Oro
Eugen Onegin Film
Cox and Box TV
Abiding Love (film, Strauss Four Last Songs)
Kindertotenlieder (film)
Promethean Symphony
Flat Pack Albert Hall
The Tempest
Les Gallanteries du Duc D’Orsonne
Pierrot Lunaire
Dialogues of the Carmeilites
Messiaen Dream
King Arthur
The Dream of John Logie Baird Aged 10
Land of Song
Ghost Story
Lionel Bart Film