In Darkness Let Me Dwell
Direction, scenography, videographyFilm Kleine Wanderung (2021, 12mins)
Site specific responses featuring music and visual art
Mirrors, video
Two programmes of string quartets by John Woolrich, from his Book of Inventions
Performed by
Salome Quartet at
September 24 St Eanswythe’s Church
Benyounes Quartet at
September 25 Strange Cargo
Visual Art by Oote Boe, Chelsey Browne, Jane Bustin, Diane Dever, Tim Hopkins, Gayle Chong Kwan, Ash McNaughton, Marianela Orozco, the Brothers Quay, Terry Smith, Mick Williamson and Richard Wilson. Also live performance by Ash McNaughton
The programme included a screening of Tim’s film Kleine Wandering (12 mins, 2021, originally responding to recording made by MPW Productions.)
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